U.K. Riots: how leaders can step up and take action

With the ongoing extreme racial and fascist riots across the U.K., including today's planned disturbances in London, this is far from a 'business as usual' situation.

To Business Owners // Managers // Community and Network Leaders  

This is your time to step up. Show care and consideration for those who are scared, anxious, and under attack right now. If you have a DEI policy, active Employee Resource Groups for underrepresented groups or have spoken out about other global atrocities, we need your leadership now.

Reflect on the DEI commitments made and ensure these promises are actively implemented and maintained.

This could involve reviewing current DEI policies, hosting listening sessions with affected employees, or providing additional support and resources to those in need. Remind them about the support available through Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) and other resources.

Do not expect staff to endanger themselves by coming into work/the office today, especially with reported activities set to happen nationwide.

Adjust Commuting Arrangements:

  • Offer work-from-home options until employees feel comfortable using public transportation.

  • Rethink shift patterns and consider temporary adjustments or provide transport to and from the workplace if feasible.

  • Review and reinforce security and in-house protocols, especially for retail environments, to ensure the safety of employees.

Statements like "Not all white people," "How did this happen?" or other clichés along the lines of live, love, laugh like "Just be kind" or "Ignore them" are not helpful.

Instead, offer DEI training (we're a great place to start) to help all employees understand the impacts of systemic oppression, racism and Islamophobia. These sessions can provide practical ways to combat these issues and increase understanding of systemic oppression and why these events are happening.

Uphold a zero-tolerance policy towards racism and discrimination in the workplace.

Review your policies with HR and an employment lawyer to ensure they can be effectively enforced. Your silence right now, as racist violence targets Black communities, communities of colour, and Muslim people, makes you complicit, especially if this directly impacts your teams.

Speak out. Support your team.

These external factors are affecting their ability to work. Find out what they need, listen, and take swift action. If necessary, delegate workloads, review timelines, and extend deadlines accordingly. Also, maintain open communication and offer emotional support to help your team navigate these challenging times.


For employees:

Prioritise Your Safety

If you feel unsafe due to current events, take necessary precautions and communicate with your employer about any work environment or commute concerns.

Stay Informed, Stay Calm

Follow reliable news sources and updates to stay informed about the situation without becoming overwhelmed by sensationalism. Remember, staying informed is important, but so is maintaining your peace of mind.

Communicate Openly

Share any challenges or adjustments you might need with your manager. Open communication can help manage workloads and find suitable solutions.

Be Empathetic

Recognise that colleagues may be affected differently and approach interactions with understanding and support.

Focus on What You Can Control

In uncertain times, it’s helpful to focus on aspects of your work and personal life that you can influence and control.

Participate in Company Initiatives

Engage in or support workplace initiatives to address and combat discrimination and promote inclusivity.

Stay Connected

Maintain connections with colleagues and professional networks for support and solidarity. This can enable a sense of community and shared purpose.


⚠️ Continue working to dismantle the systemic oppression that has led us to this point.

If you know anyone affected by the riots across the U.K., NABS' expert team is available for confidential, compassionate conversations and guidance.

NABS, one of our clients, is a U.K. charity dedicated to improving mental wellness in the advertising, media, and marketing industries, can be reached during working hours at 0800 707 6607 or via email at support@nabs.org.uk.


Free Online Wellness Classes to Support Communities Facing Racism


Supporting Employees of Colour During the UK Riots: 10 Key Actions for Employers