Welcome To Other Box. Where We Make Space For Difference.

Education Jobs Board Studio Talks

Our Mission

People always want to put us into neat little boxes. Platform. Community. Consultancy. Media company. EdTech startup. But we don’t quite tick any of these.

We’re a social impact company on a mission to address the power imbalances that exist in the world. We work with people and companies who care about creating more inclusive ways of being, and smashing the systems that keep us divided.

Other Box branded allyship stickers with popular quotes including "Unlearn / Relearn", "Doing nothing is not an option", "Ripple Effect" and "Make Space For Difference" along with Other Box logo.


Our job is to shift culture to a place where every person from every background can thrive.

Through our training programmes, jobs board, community, creative work and consulting, we challenge norms, question outdated ways of doing things, and galvanise people into taking positive action against long-standing injustice and inequity.

We envision a future where rampant barriers to opportunities and progress no longer exist.

We imagine a world where we can lean into conversations about our differences without getting defensive and polarised.

We believe in changing hearts and minds through empathetic, emotionally intelligent, and well-informed interactions, not shame, blame, or judgment.

So far we’ve reached over 300 companies and 45,000+ people worldwide. We’ve worked across nearly every sector you can think of. And Forbes has described us as leading a revolution in the workplace since 2016 (who are we to argue with Forbes, right?).



Storyteller. Community builder. Social entrepreneur. 

Leyya’s is no ordinary story. Coming from a single-parent, 2nd-generation immigrant, working-class upbringing in northern England, she has defied all odds, building Other Box from a grassroots community to a successful, independent business, making a name for herself on the global DEI stage and winning prestigious awards along the way.  

With a background in design, Leyya has advised and educated global leaders across various industries for over a decade on how to avoid the pitfalls of placing style over substance, especially when creating long-lasting change for justice and equity. She is an astute cultural commentator with a highly tuned radar for surface-level action versus genuine cultural transformation.

Community and connection are at the heart of her work. She’s the kind of person who, after speaking with her for 10 minutes, you’ll hear her say ‘You need to meet my friend…’. Her motivation is watching others succeed, especially those from underrepresented and marginalised backgrounds. 

Leyya Sattar, the award-winning Founder of the Other Box, a social impact company, is sat in front of a wall of plants smiling at the camera.
Leyya Sattar, the award-winning Founder of the Other Box, a social impact company, is giving a talk on stage. She's wearing all black and holding a microphone in her hand with a big smile on her face.


In 2021, she made the Forbes 30 Under 30 list as a ​​Social Impact Entrepreneur and has also been recognised by AdAge, Wired Magazine and WACL, to name a few. Read more about her public speaking achievements here. 

Leyya is also a qualified therapist, was on the advisory group for the Fawcett Society exploring pay progression for women of colour in the U.K., and is a mentor to founders, freelancers and employees from underrepresented backgrounds. Oh, and she’s dog-mum to Rumi the Husky. 

Our Awards + ACCOLADES

Our work has been celebrated and recognised by some of the world’s most prestigious platforms.


As seen in...

Join Us

Young Asian woman in red t-shirt and young South Asian man in a blue shirt are engaged in DEI - diversity, equity and inclusion training at Other Box. Woman is rearranging post-its while man gestures with hands.


Transform your teams with action-orientated DEI training that works.

Young Black woman and two women of colour discussing inclusion, community, and representation at a busy Other Box event.


Amplify representation in your partnerships and events.

Black woman in green vest with laptop talking to man in glasses by grey wall, both smiling while viewing Other Box DEI allyship courses on screen.


A jobs board where both companies and communities thrive.

Other Box Founder Leyya Sattar hosting a talk at Sky Studios, sitting in a chair, wearing a black dress, and smiling while speaking to her panel guests.


Captivate your audiences with our award-winning founder.