Why True Change Happens Beyond the White House: The Power of Community

As Donald Trump is re-elected, many of us feel a mix of fear, frustration, and uncertainty about what lies ahead. This outcome raises important questions about the future of equality, inclusion, and justice—particularly for marginalised communities impacted by his divisive policies and rhetoric.

But we must also ask why Trump’s message resonates with so many, including people we know, love, and trust, who voted in favour of his plans and promises.

This support reflects a reality we must grapple with–the concerns people hold about national priorities and the direction of U.S. policy.

As a DEI-focused company, we recognise that many of these concerns stem from decades of misinformation and manipulation, often targeting (and targeted at) marginalised communities and stoking fears. While we acknowledge the depth of these concerns, we also see how they are used to drive division and undermine equality. This is a reminder of how critical it is to challenge narratives that exploit people’s fears without addressing root issues.

Here at Other Box, we believe the work never stops. As the poet Amani Saeed said:

"Organisers will keep organising, because the real work doesn't happen in the White House—it happens in communities, between neighbours, over shop counters, in families, and amongst friends."

True change grows from the ground up, led by people who care deeply about building understanding, compassion, and justice in their everyday spaces.

So even in times of uncertainty, our commitment remains unwavering. We are inspired by the resilience of communities that push forward, advocating for fairness, lifting one another up, and refusing to let misinformation and disinformation divide us.

The path to equality and justice is not always straightforward. Still, by uniting across our differences and focusing on the work we do together, we can continue to bring about real, lasting change.

Let’s keep organising, keep speaking out, and keep building a future where every voice is heard, and equality and inclusion are deeply embedded values, not just empty words.


Celebrating 8 Years of Other Box Magic


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