Know Your Bias

laptop mockup of the unconscious bias training by Other Box called Know Your Bias.

Turn awareness into action for a more inclusive workplace with our unconscious bias training.

Equip your teams with knowledge, skills and frameworks to transform autopilot and exclusionary tendencies into awareness and positive behaviour change.

Unconscious bias training gets a bad rap, but acknowledging and addressing unconscious bias is essential in today's diverse and changing workplace. A recent study found that the most effective unconscious bias training does more than increase awareness of biases and prejudice and its impact. It teaches attendees to manage their biases, change their behaviour, and track their progress. It gives them information that contradicts stereotypes. It allows them to connect with people whose experiences are different from theirs. 

So that's what the Other Box Know Your Bias course does. Simple! 

UNCONSCIOUS BIAS Course Highlights

  • Learn practical tools and strategies to identify and address your unconscious biases (we all have them!) to create a more inclusive workplace.

  • Understand the importance of acknowledging your unconscious biases and how they impact your interactions and decision-making.

  • Develop a culture of inclusion and equity through ongoing effort, commitment, and willingness to learn, reflect, and take action.


    This unconscious bias course goes beyond awareness, teaching you to manage biases, change mindsets and behaviour, and track progress. The tools and strategies you'll learn are directly applicable to your daily work, making the learning process more effective and rewarding.

    Gain information that contradicts stereotypes and connect with people whose experiences differ from your own.

    We understand that your schedule is busy. That's why this course is available as a digital course, interactive webinar, or on-site training, ensuring that you can fit it seamlessly into your team’s workflow.


  • 16 foundational workplace biases terms and phrases

  • Four common workplace biases

  • How unconscious biases contribute to systemic oppression and social inequities

  • How our influences shape interactions with individuals different from ourselves

  • How emotional intelligence and personal trust patterns are important in recognising and mitigating biases.

  • Media influences and stereotypes that hinder understanding of diverse experiences

  • Actionable steps individuals can take to counteract biases in their daily lives

  • Other Box Anti-bias Framework, featuring ten practical strategies to counter biases in retention and recruitment processes

Enrol in the Know Your Bias course today and take the first step towards a more inclusive workplace. Equip your team with the skills and knowledge needed to address unconscious bias and create lasting change, boosting a culture where everyone feels valued and empowered. We're here to support you every step of the way.

unconscious bias training FAQs

  • Know Your Bias is designed for everyone in your organisation. It helps get everyone on the same page and aware of the same language and concepts to improve workplace culture. Businesses often want to focus on just the HR team or management, but it's beneficial for everyone to be aware of their biases and how to mitigate where they show up in their day-to-day work.

  • Unconscious bias is the unintended preference or preferences that we have, either towards or against people, which affect the decisions and judgments we make every day.

    The word ‘unconscious’ in unconscious bias is important. It means that these biases live in the part of our mind that is beyond our conscious awareness and happening on autopilot. But, importantly, they do drive our behaviours.

    Certain scenarios can activate unconscious attitudes and beliefs. For example, biases may be more prevalent when multi-tasking or working under time pressure. In these scenarios, we are less self-aware and more likely to default to our autopilot tendencies to get a task done. And in most circumstances a lack of awareness of biases leads to discrimination.

    While biases may be unintended, that doesn’t make bias-based discrimination acceptable. Yet there is often a resistance and defensiveness when it comes to understanding biases – an internal script that says: ‘I would never discriminate against someone intentionally, therefore I don’t need to change anything about myself’. 

  • Yes, unconscious bias and implicit bias are essentially the same thing. Both terms refer to biases outside of conscious awareness and influence our judgments and behaviours without intentional control. These biases are often formed based on societal stereotypes, experiences, and cultural conditioning, impacting how we perceive and interact with others.

  • No training can eliminate unconscious biases, as it is a process based on how our brain functions and is deeply ingrained in human evolution. However, Know Your Bias provides valuable tools and strategies to increase awareness of unconscious biases, manage them effectively, and encourage a more inclusive workplace culture. It empowers participants to recognise biases, change behaviours, and actively work towards reducing their impact. Ongoing commitment to learning and applying these techniques is critical to mitigating biases over time.

  • Unconscious bias and being racist, sexist, or homophobic are not the same thing, although they can be related.

    Unconscious bias refers to attitudes or stereotypes that affect our understanding, actions, and decisions unconsciously. These biases are often automatic and can influence our behaviour towards others without awareness.

    Being racist, sexist, or homophobic involves conscious beliefs, attitudes, or actions that discriminate against or show prejudice towards individuals or groups based on their race, sex, or sexual orientation. These behaviours are typically intentional and reflect explicit prejudices or discriminatory actions.

    While unconscious biases can contribute to discriminatory behaviour, they are generally considered distinct from conscious forms of prejudice or discrimination. It's crucial to recognise and address these biases, as it's an important step in mitigating their impact and promoting fairness and inclusivity in all aspects of life.

    We explore this more in the Know Your Bias course.

  • Unconscious bias training is essential in workplaces that aim to encourage diversity, equity, and inclusion. It is particularly beneficial during:

    • Hiring and promotion processes to mitigate bias in decision-making.

    • Team building to enhance collaboration and reduce conflicts rooted in bias.

    • Leadership development to promote inclusive management practices.

    • Employee training to cultivate awareness and create a respectful workplace environment.

  • Yes, all Other Box education is interactive, engaging, and dynamic.

    We aim to break away from the dusty, death-by-PowerPoint DEI training that's out there currently, and so whatever course or format you choose, you can be sure there are interactive elements to enhance learning on an individual level and guides to enable team conversations.

  • Yes, Know Your Bias is designed to be globally applicable and has been delivered in over 25 countries and counting. It addresses universal principles of unconscious bias and inclusivity, making it relevant and applicable across different cultural and organisational contexts globally.

  • Know Your Bias is a comprehensive and in-depth digital unconscious bias training course accessible online for flexible learning. If you prefer a condensed version, it can also be delivered as webinars or on-site training sessions tailored to your organisation's needs.

Client Testimonials



Explore all our training to enhance your organisation's diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts. Look at our comprehensive offerings on our DEI courses page and discover more about our impactful training, such as Diversity Dictionary and Allyship In The Workplace.