What our clients Are Saying

Accessible, compassionate, and supportive digital courses that challenge us to reflect on and interrogate our "models of the world." We used the Other Box training to help our staff have a shared language and increased confidence in discussing DEI issues.

This training goes the extra mile in designing a structure and format that supports organisations in facilitating challenging conversations in a constructive and meaningful way.

→ climate outreach

Allyship in the Workplace has had a profound effect on many of our team. The session was frank but without judgment, they confronted the work we have to do while energising even the most sceptical to do so.


The quality of content and delivery is very high, and there’s no corporate baloney or messing around - the messaging and learnings are direct, impactful, and have helped equip our leaders with tools and understandings that will stay with them


The quality of content and delivery is very high, and there’s no corporate baloney or mWorking with The Other Box has been one of the smartest decisions we've ever made. Our team enjoyed how interactive the sessions were, with audience participation and break out groups that kept everyone involved (even over Zoom). Leyya and Roshni created a safe space where everyone felt able to share, learn, and grow.


Deep and thought-provoking! The team are asking really great questions on how they can further explore ways they can be an ally. Thank you both again for authentic approach on this topic and keeping it real-even when it is uncomfortable!


We have been researching Unconscious Bias training for a long time, and everything we came across sounded very dry and quite traditional—then we found Other Box! The training went down a treat with our staff; it was engaging, interactive, fast-paced, and fun. It left our team armed with knowledge of their biases and how we can improve as individuals. I would highly recommend it.


The Other Box’s impactful session on Allyship in the Workplace was the highlight of the day for many and provided really practical tools and framing in understanding intersectionality, our personal privilege and the journey of practicing allyship and taking action.


Other Box provides a robust and authentic grounding for inside and outside the workplace. With a great delivery of their content, they succeed in making quite nuanced concepts easy to understand and set you up with clear takeaways that can positively impact your everyday. It was a dynamic, well-considered and thought-provoking training programme. It is going to be used as a powerful framework for us.

→ Paul Smith

Thank you so much for all your hard work and excellent training! I received so many emails and texts almost immediately after every training, the flow and how on-point and informative it was. It's really advanced the conversation, the mindset and ultimately heavily influenced our work in this area.

You led the topics with extraordinary kindness and warmth, creating a safe space for the team to learn and expand. Apart from creating a shared understanding and vocabulary, the training was hands-on and concrete with lots of eye-opening take aways.

An invaluable training experience for any company that truly wants to tackle D&I from the inside out.


Over the last 18 months, our team have made significant progress on their individual and collective journeys into understanding DEI thanks to Other Box. They have helped us navigate meaningful learning through their courses. The content has been both engaging and challenging and the micro lessons are structured in manageable and carefully planned segments with time built in for self-reflection and group work. The Other Box's style of teaching is open and humble, their delivery of the material well-paced, clear and informed.


The Other Box is so wonderful to work with. Their energy and their approach to this work are continually energising and have helped me stay resilient over some tough months. So thank you for everything. All of the training has proved to be incredibly necessary - I could have listened all day!

→ Dorling Kindersley

TI have found your training, so powerful, interesting, knowledgeable, insightful and also accessible.  I hope to continue recommending Other Box to other organisations, it has been a pleasure.

Turner Contemporary Gallery

The training was excellent...it really helped bring the whole agency together and drive a common understanding. The presenters were engaging and the time just flew by. What I loved most is how much conversation this also helped generate back at the agency once the training was over.


First off THANK YOU so much for an enlightening and positive experience together yesterday, we all got so much from the sessions and feel far more equipped than we had realised or felt confident enough to be/do. Thank you for creating such a supportive and comfortable environment, where questions were encouraged and thoughtfully responded to

We had a great team feedback session afterwards, everyone was gushing, it was fantastic!

→Southwark Park Galleries

Other Box has provided an invaluable experience here at Pablo – we’re at the foundations of our DE&I journey and their teachings have aided the entire agency in getting on the same page. As a result of Other Box’s training, everyone is now so much more aware of the way we use language and curious to learn more about ways in which we can uplift others and use our voices to help those who get pushed to the back speak louder. I cannot recommend Leyya’s sessions enough to anyone starting their DE&I journey.

→Pablo London

The Other Box delivered a really impactful session on allyship and belonging in the workplace at our training day themed around inclusion. It was the highlight of the day for many and provided really practical tools and framing in understanding intersectionality, our personal privilege and the journey of practicing allyship and taking action - both as individuals and as a charity. The session was held virtually but The Other Box kept it really interactive and engaging. We would highly recommend working with them to help you and your organisation on your journey.

Restless Development

Other Box created a guide and tools for us to use as we write and design content for our health apps. We were already convinced of the need to avoid bias so that we don’t exclude anyone from the services that we offer but The Other Box helped us put this desire within a framework that we can use every day. We really appreciated their willingness to engage in the nitty gritty of understanding our workflow, identifying the points where bias could arise, and address bias within clinical evidence. We look forward to working with them again soon.

Alpha Telefonica

The Other Box creates a safe space for diversity and inclusion topics to come alive through shared discussion. Getting people out of their seats, talking about their own experiences and perceptions in a safe space was really powerful and dare I say it, enjoyable.


You created an open and constructive environment for us to open up and explore some of the biases. The way you spoke about some of the concepts and ways in which biases and removing them can change mindset was so thought-provoking, surprising and practical. We have never been so engaged in a training session before. Many of the cohort said that it was a real eye-opener to things that they had never even considered before as well as making them think about in intersectionality (yes we picked up some lingo) of these biases and how we shouldn’t just be assuming.

It has been the most talked about training we have EVER done! We cannot wait to roll this out further and we are in complete awe of The Other Box and the work that you are doing!

Pan Macmillan

Other Box has been a perfect fit for PlayStation. Their infectious passion and enthusiasm made building our DEI program a pleasure. Their welcoming, accessible delivery style has built trust and shifted perspectives within our team. Feedback is consistently off-the-scale positive, and sessions are always fully booked.

Thank you Other Box, for being incredible learning partners and agents of change across PlayStation Global!

Sony playstation

I can’t speaking highly enough of this training, it’s so interactive and informative. Leyya and Roshni are the most likeable and knowledgeable team. From the content to how it was delivered have all been highly praised.


You created an open and constructive environment for us to open up and explore our biases. The way you spoke about some of the concepts was so thought-provoking, surprising and practical. We have never been so engaged in a training session before.


We love Other Box! We collaborated with them for a company offsite, and they have had a big impact on our team’s engagement with Diversity and inclusion. Perhaps most importantly, these are warm, empathetic, and caring people that we loved working with. We instantly felt we could trust them with our company’s hardest problems and ‘darkest secrets’, knowing they help us see our way through them without judgment.


A massive thank you to Other Box for providing such an engaging and thought-provoking session. The response was overwhelmingly positive! All of the activities challenged us on the way we think and how we should start questioning many things that we see/hear/do that may be culturally or socially offensive but often go unnoticed.


Pragmatic, clear, and well-illustrated. Your pedagogy allowed us to unlearn and learn, which is a constant work that we all have to do if we want to make progress towards a more diverse and inclusive work environment.


The team are buzzing! They’ve already set up a dedicated allyship slack channel and there are reading recommendations flying around, as well as some diversifying of social media feeds, it was incredibly encouraging and motivating!

HIJINX theatre

Other Box has been our best investment this year. I’ve never felt so inspired and purposeful in my People role and so much of that is down to what I have learnt from Other Box, it’s completely transformed our business.

→The Future Laboratory

As a growing organisation that centres underrepresented voices, we want diversity and inclusion to be at the centre of our growth. We turned to Leyya for this advice given her expertise in and passion for this area.

Leyya took the time to understand what we stand for, our stresses and where we wanted to take SASS before providing tailored advice. Diversity and inclusion can often feel overwhelming but we left our conversation feeling uplifted and empowered.

→South Asian Sisters Speak

Leyya did a brilliant job at delivering this session to the NABS team, her attention to detail, knowledge and empathy on what can be a sensitive topic was brilliant. It was a strong starting point for the DE&I training our staff are doing and they made it easy to follow and be fully engaged throughout the session. The session made us reflect on our individual experiences and identities and think about how we can all contribute to a more positive and inclusive society. I would recommend this session to anyone looking to build Allyship in their workplace.

Nabs UK

Other Box provided us with such qualitative training sessions on diversity, equity and inclusion. The pragmatic, clear, and well-illustrated approach, allowed our team to reach a common ground with the knowledge to continue the learning journey. The pedagogy allowed us to unlearn and learn, which is a constant work that we all have to do if we want to make progress towards a more diverse and inclusive work environment. The tests to raise our awareness and pragmatic tools to continue the work have also been very much appreciated.


Our Diversity and Inclusion Committee teamed with The Other Box to identify unintentional bias and develop a better understanding of it and how it affects us. I can’t speaking highly enough of this workshop, it’s so interactive and informative. Leyya is the most likeable and knowledgeable educator - I’ve had some much positive feedback about the session from my team; from the content to how it was delivered have all been highly praised. It was very interesting to see how the training was received from different people in the team, and the actions they had from it.


I just wanted to say a massive thank you for your amazing training on Allyship in the Workplace.

We completed it last week and there have been so many great conversations that we have had since. I feel as though it has energised many of us, allowed us all to look in the mirror and really commit to moving this conversation forward as a team. We are all really looking forward to taking part in the following courses. "

→Punchdrunk Enrichment

We love working with the Other Box; they're grounded, knowledgable, collaborative and make the whole team feel at ease - even when tackling heavy topics. What we've learnt as a group from the team lives with the group, and is in action every single day.

→Hudson Bec Group

I can’t thank you enough for the incredibly insightful and thought-provoking training you gave us. The team were all so enthusiastic about you after the session. I’m so glad we booked with The Other Box. There was a LOT to digest as you flagged and some difficult topics to face as individuals and a company but feeling motivated and inspired to take action and also feeling very lucky to have such an incredible team at Animade to support us on our journey. Look forward to ongoing training with you, thank you for your support.


The Other Box’s training has had a profound effect on many of our team, from seeing how discomfort can elevate progress, to seeing what best-in-class training engaging with such crucial topics looks like. The session was frank but without judgment, they confronted the work we have to do while energising even the most sceptical to do so. It is just the beginning and we hope to work with them more.


The Other Box delivered a unique and interesting workshop on unconscious bias which was thought-provoking and interactive.

The participants of our programme were challenged to test knowledge of their own biases and look at ways to overcome barriers and challenges in the workplace which they may come across, which was an invaluable element of the session. I would recommend this course to anyone who wants to dive into the real detail around this topic, but in a fun and interactive way!


The Other Box training was both interesting and insightful. Leyya is such a natural speaker and made the whole room feel at ease when talking about sensitive topics. Attendees left in confidence that they had improved knowledge and understanding of terms relevant to diversity and inclusion. We know that this will empower our staff with the confidence to have open conversations with colleagues around them. It was also the perfect environment for cross-communication and collaboration of colleagues internally from different departments.

→Admiral Group

The Other Box has been the perfect fit for PlayStation. Their passion and enthusiasm are infectious and I enjoyed not only the classes but working with them to build the program for us. They have built a trusted relationship with our folks and their natural, welcoming and accessible delivery and facilitation style has been truly refreshing! The Other Box deliver modern DE&I training that inspires, sparks meaningful conversations and has shifted views and perspectives within the organisation. Feedback continues to be ‘off-the-scale’ positive and sessions are always fully booked! Thank you to Other Box for being incredible learning partners and bonafide agents for change across PlayStation Global!

→Sony Playstation

Absolutely wonderful. I was particularly taken by the way you reframed recognising our privilege as an opportunity, and the subsequent practical elements were extremely useful and clarifying. I came away with a much deeper sense of how to apologise well, promote dialogue over debate, and actively create a safe environment for those around me.

penguin randomhouse

The Other Box creates a safe space for diversity and inclusion topics to come alive through shared discussion. Getting people out of their seats, talking about their own experiences and perceptions in a safe space was really powerful and dare I say it, enjoyable.


Working with The Other Box has been a joy! The feedback we've had from our entire team has been incredible. The training has been insightful, and how they approached the course with sensitivity was second to none. There were processes and support measures linked to D&I we could implement immediately off the back of the training, as well as some longer more strategic goals we have set ourselves. We mainly want to say a massive thank you!


Other Box delivered a unique and interesting workshop on unconscious bias, which was thought-provoking and interactive. We were challenged to test our knowledge of our own biases and look at ways to overcome barriers and challenges in the workplace in a fun and interactive way!


Interesting and insightful. Attendees left in confidence that they had improved knowledge and understanding of terms relevant to diversity and inclusion. We know that’ll empower our staff with the confidence to have open conversations with colleagues around them.


Allyship in the Workplace was an incredibly important and powerful step in our journey to be a more inclusive and diverse company. Leyya and Roshni are remarkable teachers and facilitators; approaching the session and our people with sensitivity but also the boldness required to make change.


Wital, inspiring and genuinely educational. Great to have tangible take outs alongside the much bigger conversation topics. Leyya and Roshni were warm, engaging and incredibly adept about talking through the plethora of topics covered. Every question was welcomed and answered in a calm and supportive way. An all around fantastic session and a must for any modern company.


The experience of working with you has been a delight, and we sincerely admire what you and the team have accomplished; truly advocating for inclusivity is no mean feat! Our heartfelt thanks go out to you for giving us the strength,  support and opportunity to speak passionately about this as well at work with all of the tools and things we’ve learned so far.

→Dazed Media

The team thoroughly enjoyed the training; they mentioned that it delved into deeper layers and provoked more thought than they had expected. They are all asking great questions on how they can further explore ways they can be an ally and how they can take this information to their wider teams.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to you for your authentic approach to this topic and for keeping it real even when it gets uncomfortable. Your sessions have been incredibly valued by the teams, who greatly appreciate your delivery style.


Even as someone who can be slightly cynical,I knew I needed the reset from the Other Box training. It made me really examine myself, my privileges, my barriers that I didn’t know I had and also my language. The training is a good balance of guided and critical self-examination, and the content was digestible and well paced. I believe that whole organisations should take the training, for it to be fully effective.


Taking our executive team through DEI training with Other Box has been an incredibly valuable investment. The quality of content and delivery is very high, and there’s no corporate baloney or messing around. The messaging and learnings are direct and impactful, and have helped equip our leaders with tools and understandings that will stay with them and contribute meaningfully to our journey of becoming a more progressive and inclusive organisation.


The Other Box have provided us with professional, well thought-through and innovative training that has provided us with clear, demonstrable actions and insight to help us improve our workplace. I am delighted that we have used their services, and I am certain our company will be better for it!

→London Review of Books

The Other Box are an enlightening, inspiring and incredible source of education and awareness surrounding diversity inequality, especially in the work place. They've opened our eyes to so many issues that we would see day to day without realising they were micro-aggressions, and we fully believe that the work they do has shaped us to become better people. Their trainings are so well researched, and work to encourage everyone to be honest in their responses, ensuring we all learn as we go. Leyya is an incredibly calm and intelligent teacher, which leaves you feeling safe in her company and free to discuss issues in an open space without fear of being shot down if you say something incorrect. I believe all businesses would be better with an education from The Other Box, and they're truly creating something special that makes the world a better place.


You covered so much, but also with such clarity, sensitivity and keeping the energy and focus up. It was just what we needed. We found it the most compelling and engaging session I think we’ve ever attended on these issues, with the clearest practical application.

Big Society Capital

A huge thank you! We have all thoroughly enjoyed the sessions this year and we've learnt an incredible amount as well. The sessions have been invaluable for us as a team and we are very grateful for all of the guidance and help along the way,  I have honestly never seen my colleagues so engaged in a session. The team thoroughly enjoyed yesterday and the feedback we've had from them has been overwhelmingly positive with one member even saying "I honestly think that was some of the best and most engaging discussion we’ve had as a team, with everyone contributing something.

Butternut Box

The Other Box are an enlightening, inspiring and incredible source of education and awareness surrounding diversity inequality, especially in the work place. They've opened our eyes to so many issues that we would see day to day without realising they were micro-aggressions, and we fully believe that the work they do has shaped us to become better people. Their trainings are so well researched, and work to encourage everyone to be honest in their responses, ensuring we all learn as we go. Leyya is an incredibly calm and intelligent teacher, which leaves you feeling safe in her company and free to discuss issues in an open space without fear of being shot down if you say something incorrect. I believe all businesses would be better with an education from The Other Box, and they're truly creating something special that makes the world a better place.

The Mill

We love The Other Box! We collaborated with them for our recent company offsite focused on Diversity & Inclusion, are incredibly grateful for what they taught us and how they customised their program to us. The team are warm, empathetic and caring people that we loved working with. We felt like one big team working together on this, not just in terms of the work itself but also through the emotional support and camaraderie we felt with them. We instantly felt we could trust them with our company’s hardest problems and ‘darkest secrets’, knowing they help us see our way through them without judgment. Suffice to say, we missed getting to work together as closely once the day was over. Thank you, TOB! Thread loves you!


It has been an amazing journey of learning with The Other Box. Their training is a complete evolution of the standard Unconscious Bias training and instead explores intersectionality, identity and the responsibility we all have to better inform ourselves. The team were full of knowledge and experience and remained open throughout giving people room to share and be vulnerable when needed.

It was a training experience like no other! It was also interactive and made room for different types of learning styles which was important for everyone to be able to engage. Amazing session and look forward to working with The Other Box again in the future!


We’ve done a significant amount of work with The Other Box over the years, and it’s still spoken about at least monthly – and has become the benchmark for anything else we do in the inclusion training space.

The team are engaging, sensitive and knowledgeable facilitators. Their sessions have already had a positive impact on our thinking and approach. So massive thank you again – it made, and continues to make, a big difference and laid a great foundation which we continue to build on.

→Penguin Random House